Tips to help get started writing today
If you’re having trouble getting started writing, or if you find yourself procrastinating, then this article is for you. It will show you how to overcome overwhelm and start writing articles that are both creative and informative. You can use this information on how to start writing stories, how to start writing about yourself, and how to start complex articles, stories and blogs even as a beginner. So read on, and learn how to unleash your inner writer!

Writing sprints:
One way to start writing is to do writing sprints. Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and write non-stop until the timer goes off. This will help you get into a writing flow and produce some good content.
Writing buddies:
Another great way to get started writing is to find a writing buddy. This is someone who you can writing with, whether it be in person or online. This will help hold you accountable and keep you motivated. Being a part of supportive writing groups helps as well.
Having a clear outline:
If you have a clear outline of what you want to write about, it will be much easier to start writing. This outline can be as simple as a list of bullet points or a more detailed step-by-step guide.
Having an idea dump document:
This is a document where you can write down all of your ideas for articles, blog posts, or even books. This is a great way to get started writing because it gives you a lot of material to work with.
Avoiding distractions:
One of the biggest reasons people don’t get started writing is because they get distracted. So it’s important to find a place where you can write without any distractions. This could be at a library, coffee shop, or even in your bedroom.
Start small:
Don’t try to write a novel on your first try, start with something small and manageable. A good way to start is by writing articles, blog posts or flash fiction (less then 1000 words). This will help you get into the habit of writing and produce some good content.
Set a timer:
This will help you stay focused and on track. It helps to set a goal for how much you want to write in that time frame. And as you do, you can improve on it each time you come back to the writing desk (or keyboard, whereever you are writing).
Take short breaks:
These will help clear your mind and refresh you so you can continue writing. Sometimes the breaks are more important than the writing itself.
During your break, you can do something creative like listen to music, take a walk or even meditate. These can give you time to come back with a fresh perspective.
You should also take care of yourself by, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep. This will help improve your focus and concentration.
End with a writing prompt:
This will help you keep writing even after you’re done with the article. It can be something as simple as coming up with a new title or writing the first sentence of the next article. This will help your writing flow and avoid any writer’s block.
Write for yourself, not for others:
This will help you stay motivated and writing even when it’s tough. Because at the end of the day, you’re doing this for yourself and no one else. So write what you want to write, not what you think others want to read.
At the same time, get feedback from others:
This is a great way to improve your writing and get new ideas. But make sure you only take constructive feedback and don’t let it discourage you. It will help if the person was successful or versed in the field that you are writing for, for example, if you are writing for a blog, get feedback from other bloggers.
Keep a writing journal:
This is a great way to track your progress and keep your writing goals in mind. Plus, it’s a great way to look back on your writing journey and see how far you’ve come.
Set deadlines:
Having deadlines will help you stay on track and ensure that you’re making progress. But make sure they are realistic and not too close together, as this will only lead to frustration.
Read, read, read:
Reading will help improve your writing skills and give you ideas for your own writing. It’s important to read a variety of different genres and writing styles to help broaden your writing horizons. It also helps your ability to generate ideas on the fly as you write.
Just write:
The most important thing is to just start writing and keep going. Don’t worry about perfection, just get your thoughts down on paper (or screen). The more you write, the easier it gets.
So don’t give up, and keep writing!
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, or just don’t know where to start, these tips will help get the writing ball rolling. And once you do get started, it becomes a lot easier to continue writing and producing content. Just remember to take short breaks, stay focused and set realistic deadlines for yourself. And lastly, read as much as you can, it’ll help improve your writing skills and give you ideas for your own writing.
Happy writing!
If you would like to learn ways to write faster once you have gotten in the groove, check out my downloadable guide on writing faster right here.
If you would like to find out how I wrote and published a book in two months, check it out here.
If you need help with writing a specific type of content, article or blog post, feel free to reach out via email at
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